In the newly conceived zombie universe, the Zombieverse, participan...
In the newly conceived zombie universe, the Zombieverse, participants must accomplish quests to survive in Seoul, a city now overrun by zombies. With the artistic team from "All of Us Are Dead" and the zombie action choreographer from "Kingdom" working behind the scenes, anticipation is building about the realistic and thrilling portrayal of this zombie universe.
Participants' attempts to su...
In the newly conceived zombie universe, the Zombieverse, participants must accomplish quests to survive in Seoul, a city now overrun by zombies. With the artistic team from "All of Us Are Dead" and the zombie action choreographer from "Kingdom" working behind the scenes, anticipation is building about the realistic and thrilling portrayal of this zombie universe.
Participants' attempts to survive by accomplishing quests—like searching for food, finding transportation, securing safe havens, or grappling with the decision to save a colleague infected by a zombie—will undoubtedly keep viewers gripped to their seats.