The year is 2278. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. As a...
The year is 2278. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. As a member of the United Earth Space Agency (UESA), you were one of 500 chosen for cryogenic sleep and launched aboard a starship to the secluded Adallio star system. This hidden refuge, far from the devastating war consuming Earth, was humanity's last hope for survival.
But something went wrong. Your ship arrived generations la...
The year is 2278. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. As a member of the United Earth Space Agency (UESA), you were one of 500 chosen for cryogenic sleep and launched aboard a starship to the secluded Adallio star system. This hidden refuge, far from the devastating war consuming Earth, was humanity's last hope for survival.
But something went wrong. Your ship arrived generations later than planned. Upon awakening, you discover a fractured society. Humanity has splintered into various factions, each with its own politics, philosophies, and ambitions. To make matters worse, a mysterious and deadly android enemy has recently emerged, threatening the fragile peace.
Amidst the tension and turmoil, you must navigate this divided world, uniting (or further dividing) the factions and uncovering the truth behind the relentless android attacks. The future of humanity depends on your choices.