A compelling look into the forces that create heroes, Nathan Law wa...
A compelling look into the forces that create heroes, Nathan Law was a shy college freshman who found his identity in activism and political leadership. He helped launch Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution, a student-led occupation demanding the government to allow citizens to elect their own leader. This awakens an entire generation of young people along with many in the older generation. Law woul...
A compelling look into the forces that create heroes, Nathan Law was a shy college freshman who found his identity in activism and political leadership. He helped launch Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution, a student-led occupation demanding the government to allow citizens to elect their own leader. This awakens an entire generation of young people along with many in the older generation. Law would become the youngest elected official in Hong Kong history--only to be ousted from the role--he helps launch a new movement, further galvanizing the population. When Beijing responds with draconian measures, Law finds himself at a crossroads--committed to the cause of democracy but caught in the crosshairs of the Chinese regime. With incredible access to Law, director Joe Piscatella (who brought us Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower, 2017) paints a striking picture not only of how quickly a democracy can become a police state but also of how voices are created and refuse to be silenced in their call for freedom.