Astra Militarum, the backbone of the Imperium’s might, are ready to...
Astra Militarum, the backbone of the Imperium’s might, are ready to fight in Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector. Sixteen new units are available to defend and fight for the Emperor. Endless ranks are commanded by the Cadian Castellan, who moves among their troops issuing orders and directing fire wherever it’s needed. Meanwhile the armored companies are under the Tank Commander’s orders, a veteran ...
Astra Militarum, the backbone of the Imperium’s might, are ready to fight in Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector. Sixteen new units are available to defend and fight for the Emperor. Endless ranks are commanded by the Cadian Castellan, who moves among their troops issuing orders and directing fire wherever it’s needed. Meanwhile the armored companies are under the Tank Commander’s orders, a veteran of countless battles. They know exactly when and where to direct attacks to maximize damage. Discipline and loyalty are guaranteed by the Commissar, whose role is critical to maintaining the morale of troops. Holding ground, withstanding enemy assault and preventing enemy forces from advancing, these are the tasks of the Cadian Shock Troops. They will never leave the lines even in the direst of circumstances. If Shock Troops are not enough, their comrades - the Heavy Weapon Squad - are ready to step into the battle. With access to an arsenal of portable armaments, they can offer close fire support with adaptable loadouts of precise or indiscriminate firepower.