Infested horrors lie dormant beneath the muck of Cetus' shores. The...
Infested horrors lie dormant beneath the muck of Cetus' shores. The sudden threat of their awakening prompts the re-emergence of the Dice-Maiden, Koumei, who offers a chance to ensure they sleep forever and spare the Ostrons an Infested doom. Koumei & the Fives Fates Update brings a slew of new additions to the Origin System, including the Cetus Invasion game mode, five new Incarnon Weapons, pl...
Infested horrors lie dormant beneath the muck of Cetus' shores. The sudden threat of their awakening prompts the re-emergence of the Dice-Maiden, Koumei, who offers a chance to ensure they sleep forever and spare the Ostrons an Infested doom. Koumei & the Fives Fates Update brings a slew of new additions to the Origin System, including the Cetus Invasion game mode, five new Incarnon Weapons, plenty of Warframe changes, and Quality of Life improvements like the highly-anticipated Companion Rework 2.0.