VED is a narrative-focused RPG that boasts a distinctive turn-based...
VED is a narrative-focused RPG that boasts a distinctive turn-based combat mechanism intertwined with roguelite components. Dive into a captivating journey set within a luminous universe, illustrated with breathtaking hand-painted visuals. Traverse enigmatic islands, vanquish creatures, and harness the potent magic of the Veds!
Kir arrives in the city of Micropole, seeking a fresh start. Une...
VED is a narrative-focused RPG that boasts a distinctive turn-based combat mechanism intertwined with roguelite components. Dive into a captivating journey set within a luminous universe, illustrated with breathtaking hand-painted visuals. Traverse enigmatic islands, vanquish creatures, and harness the potent magic of the Veds!
Kir arrives in the city of Micropole, seeking a fresh start. Unexpectedly, he uncovers the power to shift between two realms. This alternate reality diverges starkly from what he's known: enigmatic floating islands, peculiar beings, and menacing monsters. Undeniably, a connection exists between these two universes.
Unearth the truth and determine the destiny of both worlds. Your strength lies in the magic of the Veds! Master this ancient enchantment to gain an edge over adversaries and triumph. Traverse the enigmatic islands, where blessings or curses await, impacting your journey until its culmination.