This is a 2015 American comedy-adventure film, and serves as a rebo...
This is a 2015 American comedy-adventure film, and serves as a reboot of 1983’s National Lampoon’s Vacation, as well as a sequel to 1997’s Vegas Vacation. It is the fifth instalment of the franchise. The film stars Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Chris Hemsworth, and Charlie Day.
Following in the footsteps of his father Clark (Chevy Chase) and hoping for some much-needed family bonding, a gro...
This is a 2015 American comedy-adventure film, and serves as a reboot of 1983’s National Lampoon’s Vacation, as well as a sequel to 1997’s Vegas Vacation. It is the fifth instalment of the franchise. The film stars Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Chris Hemsworth, and Charlie Day.
Following in the footsteps of his father Clark (Chevy Chase) and hoping for some much-needed family bonding, a grown-up Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) surprises his wife, Debbie (Christina Applegate), and their two sons, James (Skyler Gisondo) and Kevin (Steele Stebbins), with a cross-country trip back to America's favorite family fun park: Wally World, as it will be closing forever.