Tells the true story of Delia Balmer (Anna Maxwell Martin, A Good G...
Tells the true story of Delia Balmer (Anna Maxwell Martin, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder), a woman who survived horrifying violence at the hands of a man who should never have been free to commit his heinous crimes. When Delia meets John Sweeney (Shaun Evans, Endeavour) in a local pub, he seems like the kindred spirit she has been searching for. She has no idea he is a killer, but as his artist...
Tells the true story of Delia Balmer (Anna Maxwell Martin, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder), a woman who survived horrifying violence at the hands of a man who should never have been free to commit his heinous crimes. When Delia meets John Sweeney (Shaun Evans, Endeavour) in a local pub, he seems like the kindred spirit she has been searching for. She has no idea he is a killer, but as his artistic, anti-establishment persona gives way to a darker side, he becomes violent and finally confesses to murdering his former girlfriend. Sweeney is arrested, but then released on bail after a catastrophic failure by the court to recognise how dangerous he really is, leaving him free to subject Delia to a near-fatal attack. She survives, but Sweeney disappears. Delia bravely tries to rebuild her life, but when Sweeney is finally arrested years later, she is forced to face him all over again in court. Shining a light on the failings of the legal system to deal with male violence against women, this powerful and timely story captures the fortitude of a truly remarkable woman and her traumatic journey to achieving justice.