As the sole Summoner, step into the mystical realm of Umbra to resc...
As the sole Summoner, step into the mystical realm of Umbra to rescue it from the encroaching demon army emerging from dimensional rifts. To end this invasion, call upon 60 diverse heroes, each with unique abilities, and engage in strategic, turn-based RPG battles against more than 150 monsters and demons.
A thousand years ago, the mighty demon Behemoth tore a colossal rift in the barrier be...
As the sole Summoner, step into the mystical realm of Umbra to rescue it from the encroaching demon army emerging from dimensional rifts. To end this invasion, call upon 60 diverse heroes, each with unique abilities, and engage in strategic, turn-based RPG battles against more than 150 monsters and demons.
A thousand years ago, the mighty demon Behemoth tore a colossal rift in the barrier between our world and the underworld, unleashing an age of darkness. Now, the rifts have reappeared, threatening to plunge the world into chaos once more.
As the last remaining Summoner, you must harness the power of ancient heroes and the mystical energy of Phenan to confront these demonic forces. Your journey begins with the king’s urgent plea for help, leading you through the perilous Nightwoods, the Rocky Desert, the Snowcap Mountains, and beyond. Each step brings you closer to a final confrontation with Behemoth himself.