UFO Cowboys follows a group of ranchers, known as the Cowboy Sky Wa...
UFO Cowboys follows a group of ranchers, known as the Cowboy Sky Watchers, as they investigate paranormal happenings along the 37th Parallel. Known as the "UFO Superhighway," this area is legendary for many UFO sightings and disturbances, with more supernatural and extraterrestrial sightings in the American West than anywhere else in the United States. Using ancient tracking techniques and mode...
UFO Cowboys follows a group of ranchers, known as the Cowboy Sky Watchers, as they investigate paranormal happenings along the 37th Parallel. Known as the "UFO Superhighway," this area is legendary for many UFO sightings and disturbances, with more supernatural and extraterrestrial sightings in the American West than anywhere else in the United States. Using ancient tracking techniques and modern technology, this team expertly investigates mysterious activity throughout the ranches and farms of the American West.