The game Tokyo Xanadu EX+ is already released on PlayStation 4, PC and Switch in the USA.
Based on 4 reviews, Tokyo Xanadu EX+ gets an average review score of 75
Those jumping into Tokyo Xanadu eX+ for the first will find that the wait well worth it.
2463d ago
Even if you have already played the Vita version, all the new additions and readjusted gameplay provide a completely fresh and definitive experience for the game.
2463d ago
There are legitimate moments of fun and almost a harkening back to major JRPG classics in Tokyo Xanadu eX+, but all too often the pacing detracts from being truly great.
2463d ago
If Asksys Games and Nihon Falcom were serious about porting Tokyo Xanadu to the PS4, there was a lot more that could have been done.
2463d ago