Drawing inspiration from the real-life individuals aboard history's...
Drawing inspiration from the real-life individuals aboard history's most iconic vessel, Titanic: The Musical offers a 'breathtaking' (the Guardian) and 'magnificent' (the Telegraph) portrayal. This captivating production delves into the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of its passengers. Each came on board with their unique stories and personal ambitions. Unbeknownst to the impending tragedy, the...
Drawing inspiration from the real-life individuals aboard history's most iconic vessel, Titanic: The Musical offers a 'breathtaking' (the Guardian) and 'magnificent' (the Telegraph) portrayal. This captivating production delves into the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of its passengers. Each came on board with their unique stories and personal ambitions. Unbeknownst to the impending tragedy, the Third-Class immigrants are filled with dreams of a promising future in America. The Second Class aspires to mingle with the elite and experience the lavish lifestyles of the upper echelons, while the First Class's millionaire Barons foresee legacies that stand the test of time.