Drawing inspiration from the iconic comic book series, "The Adventu...
Drawing inspiration from the iconic comic book series, "The Adventures of Tintin" by Herge—which has garnered worldwide sales of over 275 million units—a new video game is set to mark the celebrated return of the renowned reporter to the interactive world. This vibrant reentry is made possible through a collaborative effort between Moulinsart and Microids.
Embark on a thrilling journey with ...
Drawing inspiration from the iconic comic book series, "The Adventures of Tintin" by Herge—which has garnered worldwide sales of over 275 million units—a new video game is set to mark the celebrated return of the renowned reporter to the interactive world. This vibrant reentry is made possible through a collaborative effort between Moulinsart and Microids.
Embark on a thrilling journey with Tintin and his loyal canine companion, Snowy! Their adventure begins when they encounter the Egyptologist Sophocles Sarcophagus during a Mediterranean cruise. Intrigued by the mysteries surrounding the tomb of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh, Tintin decides to delve deeper into its secrets. What dark revelations await within the tomb? From the deserts of Egypt to the bustling streets of India and Arabia, Tintin and Snowy are led on a gripping chase related to narcotics trafficking that extends to the heart of the far east..