The Real Murders on Elm Street is a chilling documentary series abo...
The Real Murders on Elm Street is a chilling documentary series about small suburban towns across America that have been torn apart by murder. At the heart of the series is the central question of how in a single night, these quaint residential ELM STREETS can descend from peace and tranquility into horror, senseless death, and tragedy. Each episode will examine a murder investigation that occu...
The Real Murders on Elm Street is a chilling documentary series about small suburban towns across America that have been torn apart by murder. At the heart of the series is the central question of how in a single night, these quaint residential ELM STREETS can descend from peace and tranquility into horror, senseless death, and tragedy. Each episode will examine a murder investigation that occurred on one of the many Elm Streets across America with each episode proving horror happens everywhere.