Set in present day on a Colorado ranch outside Denver, this multi-c...
Set in present day on a Colorado ranch outside Denver, this multi-camera family comedy returns with new episodes (Part 6) on December 7. Starring Ashton Kutcher, Sam Elliott, Elisha Cuthbert, Debra Winger and new guest star, Dax Shepard - the show follows Colt's (Kutcher) return home after a brief and failed semi-pro football career to run the family ranching business with his father Beau (Elli...
Set in present day on a Colorado ranch outside Denver, this multi-camera family comedy returns with new episodes (Part 6) on December 7. Starring Ashton Kutcher, Sam Elliott, Elisha Cuthbert, Debra Winger and new guest star, Dax Shepard - the show follows Colt's (Kutcher) return home after a brief and failed semi-pro football career to run the family ranching business with his father Beau (Elliott).