Release dates

July 17, 2026

In 18 months



Jul 17, 2026
In 18 months
2026 *
Next year
2026 *
Next year
2026 *
Next year
4K Blu-ray
2026 *
Next year

The Odyssey release date

The movie The Odyssey upcoming Cinema release date in the USA is confirmed to be Friday July 17th, 2026, upcoming VOD release date in the USA is expected to be 2026, upcoming DVD release date in the USA is expected to be 2026, upcoming Blu-ray release date in the USA is expected to be 2026 and the upcoming 4K Blu-ray release date in the USA is expected to be 2026.

* Expected

The Odyssey

Follows Odysseus in his perilous journey home after the Trojan War,...
Follows Odysseus in his perilous journey home after the Trojan War, showcasing his encounters with Polyphemus, the Sirens, Circe, and finishing with his reunion with his wife, Penelope.
Follows Odysseus in his perilous journey home after the Trojan War, showcasing his encounters with Polyphemus, the Sirens, Circe, and finishing with his reunion with his wife, Penelope.