The series focuses on Lincoln Loud, an 11-year-old boy, who lives i...
The series focuses on Lincoln Loud, an 11-year-old boy, who lives in a house with his ten sisters—eldest sister Lori, unintelligent yet beautiful blonde Leni, aspiring rock star Luna, jokester and comedienne Luan, energetic athlete Lynn, gloomy emo Lucy, personality-opposite twins Lola and Lana, intellectual genius Lisa and baby Lily—and how he tries to survive as the only son in the family by ...
The series focuses on Lincoln Loud, an 11-year-old boy, who lives in a house with his ten sisters—eldest sister Lori, unintelligent yet beautiful blonde Leni, aspiring rock star Luna, jokester and comedienne Luan, energetic athlete Lynn, gloomy emo Lucy, personality-opposite twins Lola and Lana, intellectual genius Lisa and baby Lily—and how he tries to survive as the only son in the family by finding creative solutions to the ordinary and chaotic problems in the household.