From the Oscar-winning producer of Oppenheimer comes a gripping act...
From the Oscar-winning producer of Oppenheimer comes a gripping action thriller starring Emmy nominee Nathalie Emmanuel (The Fast Saga, Game of Thrones) as Zee, a notorious and enigmatic assassin revered and feared as the "Queen of the Dead" in the Parisian underworld. However, during a mission assigned by her enigmatic mentor and handler, portrayed by Sam Worthington (Avatar), Zee makes a pivo...
From the Oscar-winning producer of Oppenheimer comes a gripping action thriller starring Emmy nominee Nathalie Emmanuel (The Fast Saga, Game of Thrones) as Zee, a notorious and enigmatic assassin revered and feared as the "Queen of the Dead" in the Parisian underworld. However, during a mission assigned by her enigmatic mentor and handler, portrayed by Sam Worthington (Avatar), Zee makes a pivotal decision not to execute a blind young woman (Diana Silvers; Ma, Booksmart) in a bustling Paris nightclub. This choice not only shatters her underworld alliances but also draws the attention of a sharp police investigator (Golden Globe nominee Omar Sy; Jurassic World franchise, Lupin). Caught in a web of sinister criminal conspiracies, Zee must navigate the dangerous waters that threaten to expose secrets from her own shadowy past.