A Swedish reality-based and character-driven suspense series in eig...
A Swedish reality-based and character-driven suspense series in eight parts about the secret drama behind one of the most spectacular heists in history. The limited series is based on Jonas Bonnier's novel "The Helicopter Heist", adapted to the screen by creator Ronnie Sandahl and directed by Daniél Espinosa. One early September morning in 2009, eyes from around the world turn to an inconspicuo...
A Swedish reality-based and character-driven suspense series in eight parts about the secret drama behind one of the most spectacular heists in history. The limited series is based on Jonas Bonnier's novel "The Helicopter Heist", adapted to the screen by creator Ronnie Sandahl and directed by Daniél Espinosa. One early September morning in 2009, eyes from around the world turn to an inconspicuous Stockholm suburb. A helicopter has landed on the roof of the country's safest cash depot, and the police can only watch as the robbers disappear along with several million dollars. Not a single shot is fired. The Helicopter Heist is a feverish and absurd story of betrayal and vindication, of fear and fatherhood. But maybe most of all: a grand and fast-paced Icarus tale about winning or losing it all.