The Green Inferno is a 2013 American cannibal-adventure horror/thri...
The Green Inferno is a 2013 American cannibal-adventure horror/thriller film directed by Eli Roth and co-written by Guillermo Amoedo. The film was inspired by Italian cannibal films of the late 1970's and early 80's, including Cannibal Holocaust, which features a film-within-a-film titled The Green Inferno; however the Roth film has a unique story.
An idealistic group of student activists tr...
The Green Inferno is a 2013 American cannibal-adventure horror/thriller film directed by Eli Roth and co-written by Guillermo Amoedo. The film was inspired by Italian cannibal films of the late 1970's and early 80's, including Cannibal Holocaust, which features a film-within-a-film titled The Green Inferno; however the Roth film has a unique story.
An idealistic group of student activists travel from New York City to the Amazon to save a vanishing native tribe, but their small plane crashes in the jungle. They are then, ironically, taken hostage by the very natives they want to protect.
The film was shown at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8th 2013. It was intended to be released theatrically on September 5, 2014 by Open Road Films. However, financial difficulties with the production company Worldview Entertainment have caused Open Road to pull the film from its original release, leaving its future distribution status unknown.