Set in 1880s New York City, The Gilded Age will follow Marian Brook...
Set in 1880s New York City, The Gilded Age will follow Marian Brook, the wide-eyed young scion of a conservative family who will embark on infiltrating the wealthy neighboring family dominated by ruthless railroad tycoon George Russell, his rakish and available son Larry, and his ambitious wife Bertha, whose "new money" is a barrier to acceptance by the Astor and Vanderbilt set. Marian is about...
Set in 1880s New York City, The Gilded Age will follow Marian Brook, the wide-eyed young scion of a conservative family who will embark on infiltrating the wealthy neighboring family dominated by ruthless railroad tycoon George Russell, his rakish and available son Larry, and his ambitious wife Bertha, whose "new money" is a barrier to acceptance by the Astor and Vanderbilt set. Marian is about to experience a whole new world springing up right outside her front door.