The Gecko Gods is an enchanting puzzle platformer that follows a ti...
The Gecko Gods is an enchanting puzzle platformer that follows a tiny gecko on its quest through a mysterious island to rescue a friend. Delve into its immersive gameplay, which offers the extraordinary ability to scale any surface, unravel ancient devices, and navigate through the decaying remnants of a once-thriving society. And for those moments of hunger during your journey? Feast on some i...
The Gecko Gods is an enchanting puzzle platformer that follows a tiny gecko on its quest through a mysterious island to rescue a friend. Delve into its immersive gameplay, which offers the extraordinary ability to scale any surface, unravel ancient devices, and navigate through the decaying remnants of a once-thriving society. And for those moments of hunger during your journey? Feast on some insects. Venture across a vast island brimming with hidden secrets and treasures, and delve deep into age-old tombs, solving their enigmatic puzzles in ways only a wall-climbing gecko could master. Boasting fluid mechanics, a mesmerizing original soundtrack, and minimal combat, "The Gecko Gods" promises a captivating journey through the echoes of a civilization lost to time.