Blu-ray / VOD / DVD
The movie The Darkness is already released on Cinema, Blu-ray, VOD and DVD in the USA. The upcoming Streaming release date in the USA is to be announced.
Based on 7 reviews, The Darkness gets an average review score of 32
Maybe McLean, like Hooper before him, just needed a Steven Spielberg looking over his shoulder.
3059d ago
An autistic teen brings home an ancient curse in a film that starts with promise and ends with portals, talismans and chanting – none of which are very scary.
3059d ago
It’s supremely silly stuff, relegating The Darkness to the shadows of horror film hell.
3059d ago
It’s all outrageously silly, hammered home by the ear-blasting shrieks and stingers on the soundtrack. “The Darkness” may fail, but to McLean’s credit, it’s not for lack of trying.
3059d ago
This enterprise is so listless that one can't even work up a proper head of self-righteous steam over the spooky Native American clichés that drive the plot.
3059d ago
“The Darkness,” on the other hand, is a horror film made up of long stretches of time in which nothing much of anything happens, and is only occasionally punctuated by brief bursts of pure, concentrated boredom.
3059d ago
A flat domestic-haunting tale with an ersatz Native American twist.
3059d ago