Written by Charles Burmeister (Columbus Day), "The Butcher" is a mo...
Written by Charles Burmeister (Columbus Day), "The Butcher" is a modern story of one man's epic investigation to find, hunt down, and kill a serial killer who lives among us - someone who is very human, but also beyond human. Along the way, the story's hero, a hardened Los Angeles homicide detective named Mitch Dixon, must uncover the mystery of who The Butcher is, how he operates, and come to ...
Written by Charles Burmeister (Columbus Day), "The Butcher" is a modern story of one man's epic investigation to find, hunt down, and kill a serial killer who lives among us - someone who is very human, but also beyond human. Along the way, the story's hero, a hardened Los Angeles homicide detective named Mitch Dixon, must uncover the mystery of who The Butcher is, how he operates, and come to terms with the unbelievable truth - that he has discovered the key to immortality, the price of which is consuming human flesh.