"The Extrication" serves as a standalone sequel to "The Bridge Curs...
"The Extrication" serves as a standalone sequel to "The Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation" and draws inspiration from the thriller film, "The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual." This first-person survival horror game offers players the experience through the eyes of various characters, set against the backdrop of a contemporary campus ghost tale.
Set in Wen Hua University, renowned as one of Taiwan's ten...
"The Extrication" serves as a standalone sequel to "The Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation" and draws inspiration from the thriller film, "The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual." This first-person survival horror game offers players the experience through the eyes of various characters, set against the backdrop of a contemporary campus ghost tale.
Set in Wen Hua University, renowned as one of Taiwan's ten campuses with chilling ghost legends, "The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication" revolves around a group of students. In a bid to draw newcomers to their film club, they decide to stage the Carnival of Horror within the infamous Da Ren building, a place riddled with spectral tales. Their objective? To recreate a mysterious event that took place on campus years ago and transform it into a spine-tingling film. But as they delve deeper into their nocturnal filming, eerie occurrences begin to unfold...