ABC's "The Bachelor," a pop-culture sensation, will celebrate its 2...
ABC's "The Bachelor," a pop-culture sensation, will celebrate its 22nd season with more fireworks, surprises and drama than ever. Just as Nick ended his journey to find love with a proposal, the series has encouraged millions of viewers for over two decades to find their own fairytale romances while the original hit primetime romance reality series continues to offer unpredictable, sexy, emotio...
ABC's "The Bachelor," a pop-culture sensation, will celebrate its 22nd season with more fireworks, surprises and drama than ever. Just as Nick ended his journey to find love with a proposal, the series has encouraged millions of viewers for over two decades to find their own fairytale romances while the original hit primetime romance reality series continues to offer unpredictable, sexy, emotional, over-the-top fun. The relaxed format rules guarantee more "OMG," jaw-dropping moments. Bachelor Nation has made this romantic rollercoaster ride one of television's top social-media and water-cooler shows, as one lucky man and 30 lucky women have the unique opportunity to find true love.