The Affair explores two marriages and the emotional and psychologic...
The Affair explores two marriages and the emotional and psychological effects of an extramarital affair. The provocative drama will be told from the male and female perspectives. Wilson plays Alison, a young woman waiting tables at a popular Hamptons diner, trying to piece her life back together in the wake of a personal tragedy. Her husband Cole, struggles to keep it all together, both with hi...
The Affair explores two marriages and the emotional and psychological effects of an extramarital affair. The provocative drama will be told from the male and female perspectives. Wilson plays Alison, a young woman waiting tables at a popular Hamptons diner, trying to piece her life back together in the wake of a personal tragedy. Her husband Cole, struggles to keep it all together, both with his wife and the financially-strained ranch that has been in his family for generations. Their emotionally-charged marriage becomes even more complicated when Alison begins an affair with Noah, a New York City public school teacher and aspiring novelist who is spending the summer at his in-laws' estate out on the island. Tierney plays Helen, Noah's college sweetheart, best friend, mother of his children, lover and wife of 17 years.