In Terry McMillan Presents: Forever, Johnnie (Diggs) returns home a...
In Terry McMillan Presents: Forever, Johnnie (Diggs) returns home after a tour of military service, where he's unexpectedly met with divorce papers. With his life at a crossroads, the last thing he expected was to fall for the local policewoman Carlie (Good), who pulled him over for speeding. Determined to win her heart, his first hurdle is winning over her three daughters. In order to be the m...
In Terry McMillan Presents: Forever, Johnnie (Diggs) returns home after a tour of military service, where he's unexpectedly met with divorce papers. With his life at a crossroads, the last thing he expected was to fall for the local policewoman Carlie (Good), who pulled him over for speeding. Determined to win her heart, his first hurdle is winning over her three daughters. In order to be the man Carlie needs him to be, Johnnie must let go of old fears and regret he's held onto in order to find love and learn the true meaning of family.