This arced documentary series follows on-going efforts to expose Am...
This arced documentary series follows on-going efforts to expose America's "troubled teen" industry (TTI). For six decades and counting, this billion-dollar business has used what it calls "tough love" as a form of treatment despite numerous deaths, countless suicides, life-altering injuries, and instances of child sexual abuse. Until recently, nobody has been able to stop it. The series follow...
This arced documentary series follows on-going efforts to expose America's "troubled teen" industry (TTI). For six decades and counting, this billion-dollar business has used what it calls "tough love" as a form of treatment despite numerous deaths, countless suicides, life-altering injuries, and instances of child sexual abuse. Until recently, nobody has been able to stop it. The series follows a recurring band of young survivors and whistleblowers and their harrowing first-hand accounts of extreme abuse and cult-like brainwashing at the hands of these programs, starting a social media firestorm in 2021. Survivors, including rap star Bhad Bhabie, are determined to take down this business once and for all. While they have seen impressive victories, the "troubled teen" industry has long been protected by power and is not going down without a fight.