From the producers of The Curse of Oak Island and Ancient Aliens co...
From the producers of The Curse of Oak Island and Ancient Aliens comes History's newest hit series that explores the most captivating theories, legendary figures and momentous events surrounding the world's longest-running treasure hunt. TALES FROM OAK ISLAND dives deeper than ever before into the extraordinary stories of relentless perseverance and unwavering "always forward" spirit of the ma...
From the producers of The Curse of Oak Island and Ancient Aliens comes History's newest hit series that explores the most captivating theories, legendary figures and momentous events surrounding the world's longest-running treasure hunt. TALES FROM OAK ISLAND dives deeper than ever before into the extraordinary stories of relentless perseverance and unwavering "always forward" spirit of the many searchers who have devoted their lives to unlocking the treasure hot spot's many secrets. It also explores the great and sometimes deadly dangers that surround Oak Island -- all possibly caused by a legendary curse.
This compelling series offers new information on the incredible people, fascinating theories and critical discoveries that are part of this centuries old treasure hunt. What could be hidden in the vault deep under Oak Island? Priceless religious relics connected to the Knights Templar? A stolen haul of silver from a sunken Spanish galleon? The spoils from a colonial-era military victory in the Caribbean? Could they all be connected to the same mysterious group of medieval conspirators?