Known as "the case that haunts the Midwest," the series dives into ...
Known as "the case that haunts the Midwest," the series dives into the haunting 2012 double abduction of two cousins, 10-year-old Lyric Cook-Morrissey and 8-year-old Elizabeth Collins, in Evansdale, Iowa. With over seven years of exclusive access and insider interviews conducted by Sires, including an additional young girl who escaped her kidnapper against all odds, compelling footage of the tw...
Known as "the case that haunts the Midwest," the series dives into the haunting 2012 double abduction of two cousins, 10-year-old Lyric Cook-Morrissey and 8-year-old Elizabeth Collins, in Evansdale, Iowa. With over seven years of exclusive access and insider interviews conducted by Sires, including an additional young girl who escaped her kidnapper against all odds, compelling footage of the two victim's families over a crucial passage of time and new information around the case, TAKEN TOGETHER: WHO KILLED LYRIC AND ELIZABETH? offers a searing and unforgettable lens on this unimaginable crime.