Release dates

May 1, 2014

132 months ago

Android / iOS


May 1, 2014
132 months ago
May 1, 2014
132 months ago

Superfrog HD release date

The game Superfrog HD is already released on Android and iOS in the USA.

Superfrog HD

Superfrog HD is an updated version of the classic side-scrolling, 2...
Superfrog HD is an updated version of the classic side-scrolling, 2D platformer, re-imagined with enhanced high definition cartoon style graphics. In the greatest traditions of fairy tales our story sees a handsome prince turned into a slimy frog by an evil and jealous witch… who, in turn, kidnaps the prince's bride to be and heads for the hills. Our little green friend happens upon a myster...
Superfrog HD is an updated version of the classic side-scrolling, 2D platformer, re-imagined with enhanced high definition cartoon style graphics. In the greatest traditions of fairy tales our story sees a handsome prince turned into a slimy frog by an evil and jealous witch… who, in turn, kidnaps the prince's bride to be and heads for the hills. Our little green friend happens upon a mystery potion (wow, how lucky was that?). Chugging on the vial, the frog prince is bestowed with amazing powers.