Starfield marks the birth of a brand-new universe from Bethesda Gam...
Starfield marks the birth of a brand-new universe from Bethesda Game Studios, their first in over 25 years, and comes from the acclaimed creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. This next-generation role-playing game propels you into the cosmos, where you have the freedom to create any character and explore with an unprecedented sense of liberation. Your epic journey to unravel hu...
Starfield marks the birth of a brand-new universe from Bethesda Game Studios, their first in over 25 years, and comes from the acclaimed creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. This next-generation role-playing game propels you into the cosmos, where you have the freedom to create any character and explore with an unprecedented sense of liberation. Your epic journey to unravel humanity's greatest enigma awaits.
Set in the year 2330, humanity has transcended the bounds of our solar system, colonizing new planets and embracing existence as a spacefaring civilization. In Starfield, you'll become a part of Constellation – the last cohort of space explorers on a quest for rare artifacts scattered across the galaxy. Your navigation through the vast and uncharted expanse of space is at the core of Bethesda Game Studios' most ambitious and expansive game yet. Explore, discover, and shape your own path in a universe filled with limitless possibilities.