Explore a mysterious open-world universe filled with alien factions...
Explore a mysterious open-world universe filled with alien factions, strange worlds, mysterious artifacts and an epic story. As a new commander you and your crew will transform your ship from a small scout into whatever you want: a deep-space explorer, a fast strike craft or an armor-leaden battlecruiser. Meet alien races, both friendly, hostile or enigmatic. Turn foes into allies and vice vers...
Explore a mysterious open-world universe filled with alien factions, strange worlds, mysterious artifacts and an epic story. As a new commander you and your crew will transform your ship from a small scout into whatever you want: a deep-space explorer, a fast strike craft or an armor-leaden battlecruiser. Meet alien races, both friendly, hostile or enigmatic. Turn foes into allies and vice versa. Investigate new worlds and anomalies to unlock new technologies, gather valuable resources and discover the secrets of this unknown universe.