Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the next chapter of the beloved Star Wa...
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the next chapter of the beloved Star Wars action–adventure series chronicling the journey of Jedi Cal Kestis. Developed by the veteran team at Respawn under the leadership of game director Stig Asmussen, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will expand upon the iconic Star Wars stories, worlds, characters, and thrilling combat first experienced in the series’ debut title, Star W...
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the next chapter of the beloved Star Wars action–adventure series chronicling the journey of Jedi Cal Kestis. Developed by the veteran team at Respawn under the leadership of game director Stig Asmussen, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will expand upon the iconic Star Wars stories, worlds, characters, and thrilling combat first experienced in the series’ debut title, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order™. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is being built for the current generation of gaming hardware to create a deeper and more expansive Star Wars experience for players worldwide.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor picks up five years after the events of Jedi: Fallen Order. Cal must stay one step ahead of the Empire’s constant pursuit as he begins to feel the weight of being one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy. Accompanied by his trusty companion BD-1, Cal will meet and ally himself with an array of unique and interesting characters on his journey. Jedi: Survivor will expand on the series’ dynamic combat in new and innovative ways. In order to survive, Cal must learn new skills and grow his connection with the Force.