Release dates

October 12, 2023

17 months ago

PC / Mac


Oct 12, 2023
17 months ago
Oct 12, 2023
17 months ago

Star Trek: Infinite release date

The game Star Trek: Infinite is already released on PC and Mac in the USA.

Star Trek: Infinite

Star Trek: Infinite puts players in command of one of four major po...
Star Trek: Infinite puts players in command of one of four major powers in the galaxy, each with individualized traits, stories, quests, and more to make their play feel distinct. With stunning visuals, difficult choices, and unique gameplay, this game allows players to experience a beloved franchise in a new way as they navigate contact with other empires and worlds.
Star Trek: Infinite puts players in command of one of four major powers in the galaxy, each with individualized traits, stories, quests, and more to make their play feel distinct. With stunning visuals, difficult choices, and unique gameplay, this game allows players to experience a beloved franchise in a new way as they navigate contact with other empires and worlds.