Release dates

November 10, 2020

1398 days ago



Nov 10, 2020
1398 days ago
Oct 6, 2020
1433 days ago
Oct 2, 2020
1437 days ago


To Be Announced *

Spontaneous release date

The movie Spontaneous is already released on Cinema, VOD and DVD in the USA. The upcoming Blu-ray release date in the USA is to be announced.

* Expected


Mara Carlye (Langford) whose life is forever changed when students ...
Mara Carlye (Langford) whose life is forever changed when students in her senior class literally explodes for no discernible reason. As students continue to pop like blood-filled balloons and the town descends into both chaos and apathy, Mara and her friends stay close together as they await possible combustion - wondering what part of life is worth living if it might end suddenly.
Mara Carlye (Langford) whose life is forever changed when students in her senior class literally explodes for no discernible reason. As students continue to pop like blood-filled balloons and the town descends into both chaos and apathy, Mara and her friends stay close together as they await possible combustion - wondering what part of life is worth living if it might end suddenly.
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