A brand new entry into the legendary Bitmap Brothers series! Ventur...
A brand new entry into the legendary Bitmap Brothers series! Venture into the grim future of 2138 where mega-corporations use Speedball to distract the downtrodden masses from their miserable lives. Once an underground sport reviled for its brutality, Speedball has risen to unprecedented heights of popularity and profitability. It is the only sport that allows two cybernetically augmented teams...
A brand new entry into the legendary Bitmap Brothers series! Venture into the grim future of 2138 where mega-corporations use Speedball to distract the downtrodden masses from their miserable lives. Once an underground sport reviled for its brutality, Speedball has risen to unprecedented heights of popularity and profitability. It is the only sport that allows two cybernetically augmented teams to go head-to-head at levels of speed and violence beyond human limitations, where any moment could be a player’s last.