SNAP DECISION is a comedy game show created by veteran producer Sco...
SNAP DECISION is a comedy game show created by veteran producer Scott St. John ("Match Game," "Deal or No Deal") that puts preconceptions, first impressions, and gut instinct to the ultimate test. Studio contestants go head-to-head for a $10,000 grand prize as they are asked to make snap judgments about three strangers, recently interviewed on the street. However, looks can be deceiving, as peo...
SNAP DECISION is a comedy game show created by veteran producer Scott St. John ("Match Game," "Deal or No Deal") that puts preconceptions, first impressions, and gut instinct to the ultimate test. Studio contestants go head-to-head for a $10,000 grand prize as they are asked to make snap judgments about three strangers, recently interviewed on the street. However, looks can be deceiving, as people are often not who they may seem, leading to unexpected twists, turns, and outrageous and hilarious results.