Grieving the death of his brother, Junya is confronted by a mysteri...
Grieving the death of his brother, Junya is confronted by a mysterious girl who utters the words, “you should have been the one to die.” Plagued by his tragic past, yet surrounded by those that want to help him, Junya begins renovating a traditional Japanese manor house, a task so large he can not tackle it alone. SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky is a successor to the celebrated Memories Off,...
Grieving the death of his brother, Junya is confronted by a mysterious girl who utters the words, “you should have been the one to die.” Plagued by his tragic past, yet surrounded by those that want to help him, Junya begins renovating a traditional Japanese manor house, a task so large he can not tackle it alone. SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky is a successor to the celebrated Memories Off, series. Set 10 years after the Memories Off series and in a modern setting, a familiar coming-of-age visual novel full of growth, love, and healing.