Follows a secret agent, Tom Clerc, deaf from a multi-generational D...
Follows a secret agent, Tom Clerc, deaf from a multi-generational Deaf family and is descendant of Laurent Clerc 'the Father of the Deaf in America' that brought the sign language to the States two centuries ago. Tom is carrier of SGx29 a powerful Sign Gene mutation but he lost a significant portion of his powers during a fierce fight some years back against his main villain, his own deaf broth...
Follows a secret agent, Tom Clerc, deaf from a multi-generational Deaf family and is descendant of Laurent Clerc 'the Father of the Deaf in America' that brought the sign language to the States two centuries ago. Tom is carrier of SGx29 a powerful Sign Gene mutation but he lost a significant portion of his powers during a fierce fight some years back against his main villain, his own deaf brother Jux Clerc the leader of an evil organization dedicated to exterminating Sign Gene mutants.