First released in 2002, Shantae is the groundbreaking action-advent...
First released in 2002, Shantae is the groundbreaking action-adventure-platformer that introduced players to the eponymous Half-Genie heroine. In her debut title, Shantae hair-whips, dances, and transforms as she seeks out four elemental stones throughout Sequin Land to put a stop to the nefarious lady pirate, Risky Boots. Highly sought by fans and collectors, Shantae is often considered to be ...
First released in 2002, Shantae is the groundbreaking action-adventure-platformer that introduced players to the eponymous Half-Genie heroine. In her debut title, Shantae hair-whips, dances, and transforms as she seeks out four elemental stones throughout Sequin Land to put a stop to the nefarious lady pirate, Risky Boots. Highly sought by fans and collectors, Shantae is often considered to be among the pinnacle of Game Boy Color releases.