The City of Angels became a city of horrors as a serial killer, who...
The City of Angels became a city of horrors as a serial killer, whom authorities began referring to as the Southside Slayer, devasted the community. The bodies of women were discovered one after another in alleys, on playgrounds and even on the steps of an elementary school. The investigators' worst fears were confirmed when they determined after years of working on the cases that there wasn't ...
The City of Angels became a city of horrors as a serial killer, whom authorities began referring to as the Southside Slayer, devasted the community. The bodies of women were discovered one after another in alleys, on playgrounds and even on the steps of an elementary school. The investigators' worst fears were confirmed when they determined after years of working on the cases that there wasn't just one Southside Slayer, but four separate serial killers operating at the same time in the same place.