In a realm devastated by conflict and disease, an unnamed protagoni...
In a realm devastated by conflict and disease, an unnamed protagonist emerges. Death itself calls upon you to confront and dispel the malevolence that infests the Abyss. Do you possess the strength to overcome this blight and kindle hope in the desolate? Secret of the Deep embarks you on a rewarding journey through darkness into light in this single-player, third-person action-adventure, enrich...
In a realm devastated by conflict and disease, an unnamed protagonist emerges. Death itself calls upon you to confront and dispel the malevolence that infests the Abyss. Do you possess the strength to overcome this blight and kindle hope in the desolate? Secret of the Deep embarks you on a rewarding journey through darkness into light in this single-player, third-person action-adventure, enriched with RPG elements. Experience a game enveloped in a deeply atmospheric world at every corner. Battered but resolute, you venture repeatedly into the treacherous deep, battling legions and traversing vast, dangerous landscapes in pursuit of vital, rare resources and, most importantly, the truth.