Scarlet Nexus takes place in the far distant future, where a psioni...
Scarlet Nexus takes place in the far distant future, where a psionic hormone was discovered in the human brain, granting people extra-sensory powers and changed the world as we knew it. As humanity entered this new era, deranged mutants known as Others began to descend from the sky with a hunger for human brains. Impervious to conventional weapons, those with acute extra-sensory abilities, know...
Scarlet Nexus takes place in the far distant future, where a psionic hormone was discovered in the human brain, granting people extra-sensory powers and changed the world as we knew it. As humanity entered this new era, deranged mutants known as Others began to descend from the sky with a hunger for human brains. Impervious to conventional weapons, those with acute extra-sensory abilities, known as psionics, were our only chance to fight the onslaught from above and preserve humanity. Since then, psionics have been scouted for their talents and recruited to the Other Suppression Force, humanity’s last line of defense.
In Scarlet Nexus, players will take on the role of Yuito Sumeragi, armed with a talent in psycho-kinesis, and explore the futuristic city of New Himuka and uncover the mysteries of a Brain Punk future caught between technology and physic abilities. With these psycho-kinetic powers, the world becomes an important ally. Lift, break, and hurl pieces of the environment to build attack combos and lay waste to enemies.