John Kramer (played by Tobin Bell) returns in the most unsettling i...
John Kramer (played by Tobin Bell) returns in the most unsettling installment of the SAW franchise yet, which delves into an untold chapter of Jigsaw's intensely personal game. Set between the events of SAW I and II, a gravely ill and desperate John embarks on a journey to Mexico to undergo a high-risk, experimental medical procedure, hopeful for a miraculous cure for his cancer. He soon uncove...
John Kramer (played by Tobin Bell) returns in the most unsettling installment of the SAW franchise yet, which delves into an untold chapter of Jigsaw's intensely personal game. Set between the events of SAW I and II, a gravely ill and desperate John embarks on a journey to Mexico to undergo a high-risk, experimental medical procedure, hopeful for a miraculous cure for his cancer. He soon uncovers the harsh truth that the entire operation is a scheme to exploit the most vulnerable. Fuelled by this revelation, the notorious serial killer resumes his sinister work, executing retribution on the fraudsters in his uniquely macabre way through cunning, twisted, and ingenious traps.