Max, known as the wildly unpredictable half of the Freelance Police...
Max, known as the wildly unpredictable half of the Freelance Police, has always had a penchant for causing mayhem. His eccentricity, usually a source of chaotic charm, has recently evolved into something far more extraordinary. This shift began when Max accidentally discovered a peculiar toy with the ability to reveal glimpses of the future. This discovery puts him and his partner, Sam, on the ...
Max, known as the wildly unpredictable half of the Freelance Police, has always had a penchant for causing mayhem. His eccentricity, usually a source of chaotic charm, has recently evolved into something far more extraordinary. This shift began when Max accidentally discovered a peculiar toy with the ability to reveal glimpses of the future. This discovery puts him and his partner, Sam, on the radar of various intergalactic villains, all eager to seize the magical Toys of Power for their nefarious purposes.
As malevolent forces converge in pursuit of the Devil’s Toybox and Max's newfound psychic powers spiral out of his control, the Freelance Police face their most daunting challenge yet. They must confront not just external enemies, but also the untamed and burgeoning power within Max's own mind.