Amidst an idyllic backdrop of Paradise, California, HGTV's newest s...
Amidst an idyllic backdrop of Paradise, California, HGTV's newest series Rustic Rehab follows real estate and home renovation experts David and Chenoa Rivera as they snap up outdated cabins, vacation rentals and bungalows, turn them into charming retreats and sell them to families seeking small-town life. In the eight-episode season, which premieres Thursday, Aug. 16, at 8 p.m. ET/PT, David, a ...
Amidst an idyllic backdrop of Paradise, California, HGTV's newest series Rustic Rehab follows real estate and home renovation experts David and Chenoa Rivera as they snap up outdated cabins, vacation rentals and bungalows, turn them into charming retreats and sell them to families seeking small-town life. In the eight-episode season, which premieres Thursday, Aug. 16, at 8 p.m. ET/PT, David, a real estate investor who oversees the construction, and Chenoa, a real estate agent and designer with a rustic flair, work together to flip more than 30 homes a year in this popular destination nestled in the foothills of Sierra Nevada Mountains.