This cyberpunk noir RPG takes place in a dystopian city through the...
This cyberpunk noir RPG takes place in a dystopian city through the eyes of three, unique protagonists. Each one coming from various walks of life and social circles. The game focuses on player choice and drawing players into the seedy world that has been created.
Rain of Reflections is being developed by Lionbite Games, this is their first title. It will be available for PC, PlayStation 4, ...
This cyberpunk noir RPG takes place in a dystopian city through the eyes of three, unique protagonists. Each one coming from various walks of life and social circles. The game focuses on player choice and drawing players into the seedy world that has been created.
Rain of Reflections is being developed by Lionbite Games, this is their first title. It will be available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.