The contemporary drama Queen Sugar, set in the fictional town of Sa...
The contemporary drama Queen Sugar, set in the fictional town of Saint Josephine, Louisiana, chronicles the lives and loves of the estranged Bordelon siblings: Nova, a worldly-wise journalist and activist; Charley, the savvy wife and manager of a professional basketball star; and Ralph Angel, a formerly incarcerated young father in search of redemption. After a family tragedy, the Bordelons mus...
The contemporary drama Queen Sugar, set in the fictional town of Saint Josephine, Louisiana, chronicles the lives and loves of the estranged Bordelon siblings: Nova, a worldly-wise journalist and activist; Charley, the savvy wife and manager of a professional basketball star; and Ralph Angel, a formerly incarcerated young father in search of redemption. After a family tragedy, the Bordelons must navigate the triumphs and struggles of their complicated lives in order to run a struggling sugarcane farm in the Deep South.